List amendments
All amendments can be queried using the allocation
query allocation { allocation(id: "4RwHQ1bQsmA5v4tjf5o0m6") { amendments { id state value units unitCost accepted } }}
Get current amendment
The current amendment is queried using the allocation
query and the currentAmendment
query allocation { allocation(id: "4RwHQ1bQsmA5v4tjf5o0m6") { currentAmendment { id state value units unitCost accepted } }}
Create amendment
An amendment can be created using the createamendment
mutation to alter certain fields in the allocation.
mutation amendmentCreate { amendmentCreate(allocationId: "36CHoZ4TqyeL8qdHvcbMq4", input: { value: 9000 comment: "This is a comment" }) { id state }}
Accept amendment
An amendment needs to be accepted before it is applied to an allocation. Once accepted the fields in the allocation will reflect the amended data.
mutation amendmentAccept { amendmentAccept(allocationId: "36CHoZ4TqyeL8qdHvcbMq4") { id state }}
Cancel amendment
If an amendment is no longer needed it can be cancelled.
mutation amendmentCancel { amendmentCancel(allocationId: "36CHoZ4TqyeL8qdHvcbMq4", comment: "Reason for cancellation") { id state }}